Friday, November 7, 2014

Tips For Cleaning Brushes

How many makeup brushes do you have?  Did you know it is important to clean these brushes to prevent bacteria from forming?  This task is often overlooked.  However, if you you keep your brushes clean it can help with clear skin everyday.  You can learn more at Apartment Therapy.

What You Need


  • Castile soap or organic baby shampoo
  • Hydrogen Peroxide (optional)
  • Warm water


    • Glass or small bowl
    • Clean cloth or paper towel


        1. Whether or not your brush looks clean, the bristles are porous and are more than likely harboring bacteria and oils that you won't want on your face. Before mixing the solution, wipe your brush off with a dry cloth. You'll be surprised how much makeup you can remove with this simple step.
        2. Add a few drops of castile soap or baby shampoo to a bowl of warm water. I used Dr. Bronner's unscented baby-mild castile soap which is fragrance free and contains double the amount of olive oil, perfect for my sensitive skin. At this point you can also add hydrogen peroxide to the solution as an anti-bacterial.
        3. Gently swish the brush around in the mixture. You may allow the brush to sit in the solution for up to ten minutes.
        4. Remove the brush from the solution and wipe down a clean rag to remove any excess moisture from the brush.
        5. Reshape the brush and lay flat to dry.


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