Friday, August 2, 2013

It All Starts with an Organized Kitchen

It takes lots of time and experience to get to know a kitchen inside and out. Sure, maybe your parents were used to cooking big meals for lots of guests, and somehow the next morning the kitchen was still in one piece. But if you’ve only been living independently for a few years, learning how to keep your kitchen organized and functional can be a challenge. has offered us some great ways to reduce kitchen clutter and make it overall more practical for daily use. Some of their tips included:

  • Set your priorities: A very simple way to make efficient use of your kitchen shelving space is by organizing your dishes, cups and bowls by frequency of use. Store your everyday kitchenware on easy-to-reach lower shelves. Then place special-occasion champagne glasses, platters and other fancy ware on top shelves.
  • Stash your stuff: Make a drawer specifically for plastic bags, aluminum foil and plastic wrap near the fridge to speed up the process of strong leftovers. Another smart idea is to keep a cabinet of Tupperware underneath this drawer.
  • Throw it out: It’s always a good idea to go through your fridge every other week to throw away those food items that you or your roommates may have forgotten about. This is also a great time to organize everything in your fridge in a neat manner to maximize fridge space.
  • Divide and conquer: Drawer organizers are one of the best ways to organize all elements of your apartment. Instead of a big glob of silverware all jumbled together you can easily separate and find your spoons, forks and knives in no time.

To read their full list of kitchen organizing tips, click here.


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